; Settings in this ini file can be used to debug and trace different application ; problems, so that a correct diagnosis can be made of them.
; Debug section [Debug] ; If set to 1 traces execution and produces the trace.txt file Trace = 1 jr2trace = 1 simmode = 99 GenClimate = 1 whatif = 1 GenStockReport = 1 genbval = 1 GenVenueReport = 1 CatchLog = 1
[Server] ; Server = 80363 CGIstk = 1
[Versions] ; The minimum required venue editor version for this program Veditor = 1
[App] loghours = 3 Win = 0 savecatches = 3 ;Note on savecatches: ;0 : No catches will be recorded ;1 : All catches will be recorded in a single catches.txt file in the FS2 folder ;2 : Catches will be recorded in each venue folder only, in a file called catches.txt ;3 : Catches will be recorded in both the FS2 folder, and the venue folder where the catch was caught. Catchformat = 1 MaxOnBite = 1 MinOnExit = 1 [Sounds] Rod1 = sounds/bitewarn1.wav Rod2 = sounds/bitewarn2.wav
[Temps] On = 1 P0 = 0 P1 = 0 P2 = 100 P3 = 100 P4 = 200 P5 = 200 P6 = 300 P7 = 300 P8 = 400 p9 = 400
[Graphics] BigFloat=1
CoarseBk = graphics/Grass.jpg ;alternative way to set the background for NON sea fish. SeaBk = graphics/sand.jpg ;alternative way to set the background for sea fish.
;CoarseBk = graphics/Grass.jpg ;alternative way to set the background for NON sea fish. ;SeaBk = graphics/sand.jpg ;alternative way to set the background for sea fish. |